Friday, July 15, 2016

Project $160K

My daughter went on her first visit to a college campus this week - I had some papers to submit for my research position.  The school I am attending is a private intuition, and it charges, based on US News, $54,114 per year (full-time) for its graduate program.  I am fortunate to have a company that pays for a majority of the tuition – otherwise this would be near untenable with a mortgage without succumbing to massive student debt.  So, a parent that sends his or her child to this institution, which is great, would have to set aside nearly an additional $180k for a graduate degree.  Supposedly, “[a] College Degree is the New High School Diploma” based on Forbes, so we are hoping to amass something over the $160k to help our child pursue an advanced degree.  Our fingers are crossed, a medical degree.
We decided to move some additional money into her account this week.  So her 529 fund is now roughly $3,000. We are near our goal to have $3,600 invested in the 529 fund on or before January 1, 2017. 

Robert Farrington, “A College Degree Is The New High School Diploma”, Forbes, SEP 29, 2014 <>

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